Kerstin Anderson-Ridge Kerstin Anderson-Ridge

How to Recover from Burnout

Burnout is a specific type of work stress, characterised by complete and absolute emotional or physical exhaustion, a negative or cynical outlook about your job (that was not present previously), and a sense of reduced accomplishment, motivation or feelings of purpose.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is a specific type of work stress, characterised by complete and absolute emotional or physical exhaustion, a negative or cynical outlook about your job (that was not present previously), and a sense of reduced accomplishment, motivation or feelings of purpose. 


Burnout Symptoms

Burnout is a gradual process that builds. Signs and symptoms can be subtle at first, but if left unaddressed can worsen and lead to full on burnout/breakdown.

Symptoms include:

  • Excessive stress

  • Lack of motivation

  • Dread at the thought of going to work

  • Fatigue

  • Sadness, anger, irritability

  • Increased alcohol or substance misuse

  • Insomnia

  • Lack of creativity

  • Emotional Numbness

  • A cynical outlook

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Reduced work performance

  • Physical complaints (Headache, stomach ache, unexplained pain)


What Causes Burnout?

Burnout is caused by a consistent and persistent prolonged emotional, physical and mental stress, often related to one’s job (but can occur in other life circumstances such as parenting, care taking etc).

Contributing factors to burnout include:

  • Unmanageable workloads

  • Unfair treatment at work

  • Unclear job expectations

  • Lack of support

  • Deadline pressure

  • Lack of control over work conditions

  • Dysfunctional workplace dynamics

  • Work-life imbalance


Burnout vs Depression

Burnout and depression can share similar symptoms, but they are not the same. Burnout can lead to a depressive episode, both can occur simultaneously or one can exacerbate the other. The key difference is that burnout has a strong causal factor of prolonged exposure to an unwanted and unrelenting stress from the external environment, whereas depression can occur and often does occur without a root cause. Depression is characterised by a sense of hopelessness, fatigue, disinterest in things that once bought joy, sadness/irritability or a lack of feeling and suicidal ideation.


Coping Tips and Prevention Solutions for Burnout:

Recovering from burnout is a slow process- like recovering from a broken bone, it cannot be fixed with a week’s break. It is, however, possible. Here are some tips to help you both prevent and recover from burnout:

  • Set firm boundaries around your time and expectations at work, learn to say “no”

  • Take a vacation or leave of absence

  • Reassess your goals (Are my career goals in alignment with my values? Do I need to make changes at work?)

  • Talk to HR or a trusted manager at work about your responsibilities and its impacts

  • Seek support by speaking to a Psychologist

  • Keep up a self-care routine

  • Create work life balance, prioritizing play, rest and social activities

  • Build a support network

  • Learn stress management techniques

  • Don’t skip your lunch break at work

  • Celebrate small accomplishments

  • Exercise for the purpose of stress reduction, try yoga, tai chi, pilates, walking or swimming.

  • Take up mindfulness meditation

  • Overhaul your sleep hygiene


Are you are struggling with burnout? Speak to one of our Psychologists at Psychwest today. Book your appointment now.



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