Learning Assessment

At Psychwest, we offer Learning Assessments for students/children between 6 and 17 years of age.

The assessment tools we use are the WISC V (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) and WIAT III (Weschler Individual Achievement Test III), The WISC V measures general thinking and reasoning skills including verbal comprehension, visual, spatial and fluid reasoning and working memory plus processing speed. The WIAT III is designed to measure the students individual achievement in reading, writing, maths and oral language.

The information from these assessments can be used to identify any strengths and weaknesses the student may have and informs decision making around eligibility of educational services and placement, or diagnosis of a Specific Learning Disorder such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia.

If you are looking for a dyslexia assessment or assessment for other specific learning disorders for your child, Psychwest is here to help.

What is a Learning Assessment for Specific Learning Disorders?

Learning Assessments for Specific Learning Disorder assess for Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia. 

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is an impairment in reading. Individuals with dyslexia may have difficulties with reading at their expected age level, sounding out words, reading fluency, spelling, grammar and comprehension. 

What is Dysgraphia?

Dysgraphia is an impairment in writing. Individuals with dysgraphia may have difficulties with hand-writing, spelling, pencil grip, grammar and punctuation, and spatial planning.  

What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is an impairment in mathematics. Individuals with dyscalculia may have difficulties with arithmetic skills, sequencing information, performing calculations, counting, recognising patterns, processing speed, understanding math-related concepts and problem-solving. 

What to Expect

The process for a Learning Assessment of Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) includes 4 sessions in total with one of our experienced Perth psychologists.

Session 1 (1 hour)

You will be asked to bring your child’s school reports and NAPLAN results to this session.

This initial interview with the parents/caregivers is to gather background information to determine relevant developmental, psychosocial and academic history of the child/student. In order to be eligible to be assessed for an SLD, your child/student must have received a minimum of 6-months of remediation in the areas they are struggling in. This can include tutoring or early intervention programs (e.g., MiniLit, EMU, Read3, PLD-literacy). The assessment cannot take place without this occurring. In this session the family history will be reviewed, including maternal and paternal history of SLDs, ADHD, Autism and other general clinical information.

Session 2 (2 hours)

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V) will be administered to ascertain overall current intellectual functioning levels.  

Session 3 (2.5 hours)

The Weschler Individual Acheivement Test III (WIAT III) will be administered to measure 4 areas specific areas: reading, written language, mathematics and oral language

Session 4 (30 minutes)

Feedback session.

Reports are written in conjunction with the DSM-V criteria for specific learning disorders. 



Looking for a Learning Assessment?

Learning Assessments for Selective Learning Disorders are conducted by a psychologist with training in the assessment. At Psychwest, we have psychologists available who are experienced providing learning assessments for Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia in Perth.

To find out more about organising your learning assessment for Selective Learning Disorders, we welcome you to get in touch with our team today to find a psychologist that best suits your needs and to book a session.