Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (or CBT) is one of the therapeutic approaches that we use in our practice at Psychwest. It involves challenging the irrational and negative thoughts that often lead to distress or unwanted, dysfunctional behaviours. These negative automatic thought patterns can be disrupted and replaced with more helpful ways of thinking, which can assist you to learn better ways of coping and relieve your mental health symptoms.

CBT is a psychological treatment that has been shown to be effective for depression, anxiety disorders, substance use problems, eating disorders, severe mental illnesses and relationship issues.

If you’re seeking a psychologist for depression or any of the above mentioned issues, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy may be one of the psychological treatments that they consider for you.

Our Perth psychologists offer a variety of approaches to assist you with your mental health challenges, including Interpersonal Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, EDMR Therapy and Positive Psychology

When you visit Psychwest for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, our psychologists will work with you to identify your distortions in thinking and unhelpful thought patterns, so that you can work together to change your behaviour patterns. They will help to equip you with the tools to better cope with difficult situations and gain a better understanding of the behaviour and motivation of other people. We will focus on what is presently going on in your life, rather than focusing on your history and what has led you here.

How We Help

Looking for a Psychologist for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

Psychwest has psychologists available who are experienced in undertaking Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Perth. 

To find out more about visiting us for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, we welcome you to get in touch with our team today to find the best psychologist for you, discuss fees and rebates, and book a session.