Cognitive Assessment

Psychwest offers cognitive assessments or intelligence testing, known as the WISC-V. This is a cognitive assessment measure for 6-16 year old’s, designed to assess verbal comprehension (knowledge of words), visual/spatial (understanding of puzzles and designs), reasoning (ability to detect relationships between visual objects), working memory (ability to retain and use visual and auditory information) and processing speed (ability to make accurate decisions). 

These assessments help to determine a child’s learning capacity by identifying their strengths and weaknesses, which can assist in the development of an individualised intervention and learning plan for your child.

Cognitive Assessments can also be used by a psychologist as part of making an ADHD diagnosis or autism diagnosis, to enable us to provide support for you or your child. 

What to Expect

The purpose of conducting an IQ assessment is varied, but often relates to determining levels of intellectual functioning, including whether a child meets the criteria for an intellectual disability. It can also form part of the assessment for ADHD, Autism, learning difficulties and determining whether academic adjustment and supports may be useful. 

Children’s IQ/Cognitive Assessment

Included in the Cognitive Assessment

  • Administration of a 2-hour comprehensive cognitive assessment (WISC-IV)

  • Scoring of above measures and comprehensive Assessment Report including recommendations for further assessment if necessary and strategies for parents, child and school



Includes one in-person 2 hour cognitive assessment administration plus scoring, report and 1 hour feedback.

Looking for a Cognitive Assessment?

Psychwest has psychologists available who are experienced in providing cognitive assessments in Perth. 

To find out more about organising your cognitive assessment, we welcome you to get in touch with our team today to find the best psychologist for them, discuss fees and rebates, and book a session.