Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology is one of the therapeutic approaches that we use in our practice at Psychwest. You may believe that visiting a psychologist is only for those with mental health disorders, but this is untrue. Positive Psychology is an approach that focuses on the positive events and influences in life and their strengths (instead of weaknesses), with the intention of assisting people who do not have current mental health issues to improve their lives. 

This approach is designed around topics like happiness, wellbeing, gratitude, life satisfaction, self-confidence and strengths of character. It teaches us the power of shifting your perspective to achieve higher wellbeing and quality of life.

If you are someone who isn’t struggling with their mental health, but knows that their life could be improved and would like to take steps to do so, reach out to our Midland counselling services to see if Positive Psychology is right for you.

Our Perth psychologists offer a variety of approaches to assist you with your mental health challenges, including Interpersonal Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, EDMR Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

When you visit Psychwest for Positive Psychology, our psychologists will work with you to identify the areas of your life you would like to impact positively, increase your experience of positive emotions, identify your strengths, cultivate wellbeing and build healthy relationships with others. Unlike other therapeutic approaches, which often focus on weaknesses that need to be improved, we’ll focus on where you are already doing well and how we can expand on that.

How We Help

Looking for a Psychologist for Positive Psychology?

Psychwest has psychologists available who are experienced in Positive Psychology in Perth. 

To find out more about visiting us for Positive Psychology, we welcome you to get in touch with our team today to find the best psychologist for you, discuss fees and rebates, and book a session.