When Mental Health Affects Physical Health
Your physical and mental health are closely related in many ways. Both good and poor mental health can affect your physical health. Similarly, both good and poor physical health can affect your mental health.
Your physical and mental health are closely related in many ways. Both good and poor mental health can affect your physical health. Similarly, both good and poor physical health can affect your mental health.
People with mental health conditions often have more difficulty and are more prone to health limiting behaviours (behaviours that can lead to poor physical health) such as smoking, alcohol and other substance misuse, difficulty seeking medical care and taking prescription medication or getting enough exercise.
Depression and Your Physical Health
Studies have shown that depression and the following health conditions are closely linked: diabetes, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease and arthritis. Furthermore, studies have found that those suffering from cancer and heart disease have a higher mortality rate if they are also experiencing depression or other mental disorders. It has not yet been established how or why these are linked, but some theories point to overall inflammation in the body increasing the likelihood of all the above disorders to co-occur. In addition, the impact of stress associated with having a chronic illness may contribute to increases in mental health disorders.
Sleep and Your Health
Adequate sleep is integral to good mental and physical health. Sleep difficulties are a common symptom of many mental health conditions. Studies have shown that insomnia can lead to increased obesity and subsequent health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. On the other hand, some physical health conditions can make sleep difficult which can then lead to and/or exacerbate mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.
Somatic Symptom Disorder
Somatic Symptom Disorder is a good example of the complex relationship between physical and mental health. Somatic Symptom Disorder is when someone has an extreme focus on physical symptoms, such as pain or fatigue, which leads to significant distress and dysfunction. The symptoms are real and not imagined, but it’s the excessive focus on the symptoms that causes emotional disturbance and becomes often the single focus of the individual leading to poor quality of life.
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are another example of the complex relationship between physical and mental health. Anorexia Nervosa is technically classified as a mental disorder, however has severe and life threating physical symptoms including chronic loss of weight, osteoporosis, water-electrolyte balance, loss of menstruation and heart arrhythmias. It is the most common cause of death amongst all the mental disorders. Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder also leas to severe physical health conditions including gastrointestinal issues, dental issues, menstrual issues and more.
Exercise and Mental Health
The benefits of exercise on physical health is well established in reducing risk of illness such as heart and lung disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. There are also significant mental health benefits. When exercising, chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin (the feel-good chemicals) are released in the body. Blood is pumped to the brain increasing clarity of thought, memory and protecting against injury and disease. Exercising regularly has been found to reduce stress and symptoms of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. It also has been found to improve sleep, which in turn has a positive effect on mental health.
How Psychologists Can Help
Psychologists will often assess your overall lifestyle and point out health limiting behaviours that may be impacting on your mental health. They will then support and guide you into making positive steps towards change. They can also offer support and intervention for managing and dealing with chronic health conditions reducing the overall burden of stress.
How PsychWest Can Help
We have several clinicians with experience helping those suffering from chronic health conditions, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and somatic symptom disorders. If this is something you are struggling with, you can find more info about our services here.