Does Seeing a Psychologist Help with Anxiety?

Experiencing persistent anxiety can feel scary, isolating and can negatively impact your life, however you don’t need to go through it alone. There are anxiety treatments available from professionals such as psychologists, and there are things that you can do in the comfort of your own home to cope with anxiety.

Before we dive in to the various ways you can receive support for anxiety, you may be wondering about the difference between general anxiety that everyone experiences occasionally and anxiety disorder.


What is Anxiety Disorder? 

The most common mental health disorders in Australia are currently Anxiety Disorders including Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, PTSD, Social Anxiety Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Anxiety disorders are characterised by excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational anticipation of future threats which causes impairment in functioning.

It’s normal to experience some anxiety, and in some cases, it can be helpful. For example, feeling anxious before a big presentation at work can improve your performance and make you more alert. Sometimes, feeling anxious about a situation is a sign that we care. 

Anxiety becomes a disorder when it's excessive, irrational and when it interferes with your ability to cope in daily life. Approximately 25% of Australians will experience an anxiety disorder that warrants treatment at some point within their life, so if this is you, you are not alone. You may manage to cope with your anxiety fairly well and live a normal life, but if it’s causing you significant distress then it is important to seek treatment.


Can Psychologists Help with Anxiety?

Seeing a psychologist is one of the best ways to manage or overcome an anxiety disorder. Initially, a psychologist can make the initial diagnosis of your anxiety disorder, then they can work with you to find the treatment that works best for your individual needs, as everyone is different and anxiety can affect people in different ways.

Often, a psychologist will work with you to identify the unhelpful thought patterns that are making you feel more anxious, encourage you to do activities that boost your sense of satisfaction and focus on behaviour patterns that need to be addressed to reduce anxiety.


Treatment for Anxiety

The two main treatments for anxiety are psychotherapy (which can be provided by a psychologist) and medication.

We suggest psychotherapy is undertaken before going on medication, as not everyone who is suffering from anxiety requires medication. Sometimes, therapy can resolve the issue or reduce your anxiety to a manageable state where it is not affecting your ability to cope or causing you significant distress.

In therapy, a psychologist can work with you to reduce your anxiety symptoms. One of the anxiety treatments used by psychologists, including at Psychwest, is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT is an effective therapeutic approach for anxiety as it involves challenging the irrational and negative thoughts that often lead to distress or unwanted, dysfunctional behaviours. These negative automatic thought patterns can be disrupted and replaced with more helpful ways of thinking, which can assist you to learn better ways of coping and relieve your mental health symptoms.

Sometimes, a combination of psychotherapy and medication is required to alleviate anxiety symptoms and help you to live a normal life. Psychologists cannot prescribe medication – this will usually be prescribed by your GP in Australia.


At Home Coping Mechanisms for Anxiety

If you are waiting to see a psychologist and looking for a way to cope with your anxiety symptoms prior to your sessions, try one or more of these strategies:

  • Slow, deep breathing

  • Progressive muscle relaxation

  • Bring yourself back to the present moment with mindfulness or grounding techniques

  • Plan worry time

  • Practice self-compassion


If you’re looking for an anxiety therapist in Perth, our Midland psychologists at Psychwest are here to help. Get in touch now so that we can find the best psychologist for your needs.


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